Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I love flowers! All the time always! Everyone has beautiful tulips popping up everywhere. But mine are just in random places and not very pretty. Well my neighbors have lots, which are also in random places. But that's because they don't care about their yard. So I stole theirs to make my beautiful arrangement. Totally worth it :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

April Snow will bring May Flowers

I'm so happy that there is finally some warmer days. Spring and summer are my favorite. It's been nice to enjoy the weather so we can actually get some work done outside. Of course I took a trip to my mom's nursery so she could help me pick out some flowers for my pots. I can't wait for them to fill in and get gorgeous and big.

Last fall we planted 3 trees in our backyard and they are just starting to bloom and it makes me so happy. Now i just need them to grow big and fill out so I can block my neighbors more :)

We got to plant a garden this year. Thank you to Austin for doing all the work. It looks so great. I'm most excited for tomatoes there is nothing better than garden fresh tomatoes. Hopefully it will give us enough stuff to make homemade salsa.